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Home page/Company/News/Report no. 23/2023

Report no. 23/2023

Aktualności EN 5 July 2023

Acting in the performance of the obligation under § 5 (1) of the Regulation of the Minister of Finance of 29 March 2018 on current and periodic information published by the securities issuers and conditions of regarding as equivalent the information required by law of the country which is not the member state, the Management Board of Stalexport Autostrady S.A. (hereinafter: the Company or the Issuer) hereby informs that it learned about the registration on July 4, 2023 by the District Court of Katowice - Wschód in Katowice - VIII Commercial Department of the National Court Register of changes to the Issuer's Statutes made by Resolution no. 19 of the Ordinary General Meeting of the Company of April 4, 2023.

The registered changes to the Statutes are described in Attachment no. 1 to this report.

Consolidated text of the Statutes, including the changes referred to in Attachment no. 1, established by Resolution No. 03/05/2023 of the Supervisory Board of Stalexport Autostrady S.A. of May 11, 2023 is attached as Attachment no. 2 to this report.


Attachment no. 1: Registered changes to the Statutes of Stalexport Autostrady S.A.

Attachment no. 2: Consolidated text of the Statutes of Stalexport Autostrady S.A.

Legal basis:  Article 56 par. 1 point 2 of the Act on Public Offering - current and periodic information

Category: linked files [3]
File type File Name Date of publication Size Download
pdf Report no. 23/2023.pdf 11.07.2023 112.76KB File: Report no. 23/2023.pdf
pdf Attachment no. 1.pdf 11.07.2023 137.92KB File: Attachment no. 1.pdf
pdf Attachment no. 2.pdf 11.07.2023 5.51MB File: Attachment no. 2.pdf
