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Current share price Stalexport Autostrady SA

2.70 zł 1.89% 0.05zł 2024-10-21

Business profile

Home page/Company/Business profile

At present the operations of the Company and entities comprising its Capital Group focus primarily on activities related to motorways.
It includes:

  • operation and maintenance of the A4 motorway section Katowice - Kraków. The activities are conducted by the company of Stalexport Autostrada Małopolska S.A. (concessionaire of the A4 motorway, section Katowice-Kraków) and VIA4 S.A. (operator);
  • participation in selected tenders for the construction and/or operations of other motorway sections.

Additionally, owing to the fact that the Stalexport Autostrady Group co-owns the office building in the centre of Katowice, it provides services related to leasing office space and parking places. These activities are carried out by the Company itself, as the co-owner of the property, as well as by Biuro Centrum, as the property managing entity.


The mission of the company is to provide professional services and to contribute in improvement of the road infrastructure quality in Poland.
