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Current share price Stalexport Autostrady SA

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Home page/Company/News/Report No. 10/2022

Report No. 10/2022

Aktualności EN 4 March 2022

The Management Board of Stalexport Autostrady with its seat in Mysłowice (hereinafter: the Company)  informs that Supervisory Board on its meeting on 4 March 2022 passed resolutions on appointment of Management Board members for the successive term of office, lasting till approval of the Company's financial statements for the turnover year 2024 by the Ordinary General Meeting.

The Management Board was appointed in the current composition, i.e.:
1. Mr. Emil Wąsacz - President of the Management Board,
2. Mr. Mariusz Serwa - Vice-president of the Management Board.

The above resolutions come into force as at the close of the Ordinary General Meeting of the Company which approves the Company’s financial statements for the turnover year 2021.

According to the submitted statement Mr. Emil Wąsacz:

  1. does not conduct other activity beyond the enterprise of the Company, including the activity being in competition to the activity of the Company,
  2. does not participate in any competitive company as the partner in civil company, personal company, stock company and does not participate in any other competitive legal entity as
    a member of its body,
  3. is not listed in the Insolvent Debtors Register conducted under the Act on the National Court Register of 20 August 1997.

According to the submitted statement Mr. Mariusz Serwa:

  1. does not conduct other activity beyond the enterprise of the Company, including the activity being in competition to the activity of the Company,
  2. does not participate in any competitive company as the partner in civil company, personal company, stock company and does not participate in any other competitive legal entity as a member of its body,
  3. is not listed in the Insolvent Debtors Register conducted under the Act on the National Court Register of 20 August 1997.

Below there is information on education and qualifications of appointed members of the Management Board, their previous positions and description of their career.

I. Emil Wąsacz - President of the Management Board, CEO





- working knowledge

- working knowledge


1993 - 94

Post-graduate in management - the Warsaw School of Economics

1974 - 75

Post-graduate in electromechanical conversion of energy - the Warsaw University of Technology


1963 - 69

Master’s degree in automatic control engineering - the Łódź Technical University


10.02.2011 - till now

President of the Management Board of Stalexport Autostrada Małopolska S.A.


25.10.2000 - till now

President of the Management Board, Chief Executive Officer in Stalexport Autostrady S.A. (previously Stalexport S.A.)

10.1997 - 8.2000

Minister of the Treasury:

· the biggest privatizations in Poland:

-Telekomunikacja Polska - France Telecom as the investor,

- Polski Zakład Ubezpieczeń - Eureko as the inwestor,

- Bank Pekao S.A. - Uni Credit as the investor,

- Bank BZ WBK - AiB as the investor,

- Bank BPH - Bayerische Vereinsbank as the investor,

- Polski Koncern Naftowy -the public bid,

- PLL LOT -Swissair as the investor,

-Elektrownia Połaniec;

· the biggest restructurings:

- the distilling industry,

- energetics


President of the Management Board of Narodowy Fundusz Inwestycyjny S.A.


12.1995 - 09.1997

President of the Management Board of Huta Szczecin S.A. (restructuring of the steelworks)


11.1994 - 12.1995

Advisor of Presidents of the Management Boards of: Bank Pekao S.A., Bank Śląski SA, Stalexport S.A.


1991 - 10.1994

President of the Management Board, Chief Executive Officer in Huta Katowice (restructuring of the steelworks)

1989 - 1990

Chairman of the Trade Union “Solidarność" in Huta Katowice


1976 - 1990

Different positions in maintenance of the automatics in Huta Katowice

07.1969 - 03.1976

Employee in design and development office of electric drivers Apator (a few patents in the field of circuits for drivers)


Other positions held

At present

He does not perform any other executive and supervisory functions


Inter alia:

- Chairman of the Supervisory Board of VIA4 S.A.,

- Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Stalexport Autostrada Małopolska S.A.

- Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Stalexport Autostrada Dolnośląska S.A.


 II. Mariusz Serwa - Vice-President of the Management Board, CFO





- fluent

- fluent


2002 - 2003

Training in company accounting arranged by the Accountants Association in Poland, Branch in Katowice

1998 - 1999

Executive Master of Business Administration at Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussees (ENPC, Paris) and University of Bristol, Great Britain


“International Business Programme” completed at the Catholic University Barbant in Tilburg, the Netherlands

1990 - 1995

Master’s degree in international trade - the University of Economics in Kraków, Poland


1.01.2013 - till now

Vice-President of the Management Board, CFO in Stalexport Autostrady S.A.

2001 till now

Member of the Management Board, Vice-President, CFO in Stalexport Autostrada Małopolska S.A.


Manager of the Foreign Currency Department in Stalexport S.A. (at present Stalexport Autostrady S.A.)


Deputy Manager of the Foreign Currency Department in Stalexport S.A.


Employed in the Foreign Currency Department in Stalexport S.A.

Other positions held

At present

Chairman of the Supervisory Board of VIA4 S.A.


Member of the Supervisory Board of Hydrobudowa Śląsk S.A.

Member of the Management Board of Alta S.A.

Legal basis:

§ 5.5 and §10 of the Regulation from the Minister of Finance 29 March 2018 on the current and periodical information presented by issuers of securities and on consideration as equivalent the information required by law of the countries outside the EU (Journal of Laws 2018, no. 757).


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