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Current share price Stalexport Autostrady SA

2.70 zł 1.89% 0.05zł 2024-10-21
Home page/Company/News/Report No. 28/2019

Report No. 28/2019

Aktualności EN 15 October 2019

The Management Board of Stalexport Autostrady S.A. with its registered office in Mysłowice (hereinafter referred to as: „Stalexport Autostrady S.A.” or the „Issuer”) informs on the second notification to the Issuer’s shareholders under Article 504 of the Act of 15 September 2000 - Commercial Companies Code (hereinafter referred to as the „CCC”) in relation to Article 5161 of the CCC on 15 October 2019 re. the planned cross-border merger of the Issuer with the Issuer’s single member subsidiary, Stalexport Autoroute S.à r.l. with its registered office in Luxembourg (hereinafter referred to as: the “Notification”).

The Notification has been attached to this Report.

The Issuer informed of the planned merger described in the Notification in the reports No.: 22/2019 of 24 July 2019, No. 24/2019 of 30 September 2019, No. 25/2019 of 30 September 2019 and No. 26/2019 of 30 September 2019.

Legal basis:

  • 19 sec. 1 item 1 of the Regulation of the Minister of Finance of 29 March 2018 on the current and periodic information disclosed by the issuers of securities and conditions of accepting as equivalent the information required under the laws of states not being a member state in relation to Article 4021 § 1 in relation to Article 504 § 1 of the CC and to Article 5161 of the CCC.

Category: linked files [2]
File type File Name Date of publication Size Download
pdf Report No. 28/2019.pdf 15.10.2019 102.42KB File: Report No. 28/2019.pdf
pdf Notifications of the intent to merge (second).pdf 15.10.2019 472.54KB File: Notifications of the intent to merge (second).pdf
