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Home page/Company/News/Average Daily Traffic and toll revenues on motorway Katowice-Kraków in 2014Q1-Q3

Average Daily Traffic and toll revenues on motorway Katowice-Kraków in 2014Q1-Q3

Aktualności EN 7 November 2014

In 2014Q1-Q3, the Average Daily Traffic (ADT) on the concession section of the A4 Katowice-Kraków motorway amounted to 34,231 vehicles and was higher by 8.0% than the traffic level recorded in 2013Q1-Q3 (31,690 vehicles). In 2014Q1-Q3, the net revenues from toll amounted to PLN 163,842 thousand, representing an increase of 8.5% as compared to 2013Q1-Q3 (net PLN 150,941 thousand).

As far as cars are concerned, the Average Daily Traffic increased from 26,717 vehicles in 2013Q1-Q3 to 28,769 vehicles in 2014Q1-Q3 (a 7.7% increase). Net revenue from toll on cars in 2014Q1-Q3 amounted to PLN 113,434 thousand, which represents an increase of 7.8% as compared to 2013Q1-Q3 (PLN 105,186 thousand).

As far as lorries are concerned, the Average Daily Traffic increased by approximately 9.8%, i.e. from 4,973 vehicles in 2013Q1-Q3 to 5,463 vehicles in 2014Q1-Q3. Net revenue from toll on lorries in 2014Q1-Q3 amounted to PLN 50,409 thousand, which represents an increase of 10,2% as compared to 2013Q1-Q3 (PLN 45,755 thousand). A slight difference between the dynamics of growth of toll revenue as compared to the dynamics of growth of the Average Daily Traffic is due to the change in the structure of vehicle category (various toll rates apply depending on the category).

The Management Board believes that the positive trend of traffic growth is related to the current macroeconomic situation and is also the result of users’ appreciation of high standard of motorway.
