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Home page/Company/News/Average Daily Traffic and toll revenue on the motorway Katowice-Kraków in 2021

Average Daily Traffic and toll revenue on the motorway Katowice-Kraków in 2021

Aktualności EN 7 March 2022

In 2021 the Average Daily Traffic (ADT) on the concession section of the A4 Katowice-Kraków motorway amounted to 42,857 vehicles and was higher by 17.5% than the traffic level recorded in the same period last year (36,467 vehicles). In 2021 toll revenue amounted to PLN 355,715 thousand and was higher by 24.5% than in 2020 (PLN 285,619 thousand).

As far as cars are concerned, the ADT increased from 29,806 vehicles in 2020 to 35,225 vehicles in 2021 (18.2% increase). In 2021 toll revenue from cars amounted to PLN 224,721 thousand and was higher by 31.3% than in 2020 (PLN 171,090 thousand). Difference between dynamics of toll revenue changes as compared to dynamics of ADT changes is due to the change in the toll rate from October 1, 2020 (from PLN 10 to PLN 12 for the regular rate and from PLN 7 to PLN 8 for the preferential rate for automatic payments) and from a further change of the preferential rate for automatic payments from October 1, 2021 (form PLN 8 to PLN 9).

As far as trucks are concerned, the ADT increased by 14.6%, i.e. from 6,662 vehicles in 2020 to 7,631 vehicles in 2021, while toll revenue from trucks in 2021 amounted to PLN 130,994 thousand and was higher by 14.4% than in 2020 (PLN 114,529 thousand). In the case of trucks, on October 1, 2021 the rate for category 2 and 3 vehicles was changed (from PLN 20 to PLN 22) and the preferential rates for automatic payments were abolished.

It should be noted that the dynamics of the growth of toll revenues was also influenced by the consistently increasing share of automatic transactions for which preferential rates are or have been applied.

The Group activity was also affected by restrictions of social and economic activity due to the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus and the number of COVID-19 cases. It is worth mentioning that in 2020Q2 these restrictions were more severe than in 2021, and in the second half of 2021 traffic level was similar to one before the pandemic period i.e. to the one in the comparable period of 2019.
