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Home page/Company/News/Average Daily Traffic and toll revenue on motorway Katowice-Kraków in 2022Q1

Average Daily Traffic and toll revenue on motorway Katowice-Kraków in 2022Q1

Aktualności EN 9 May 2022

In 2022Q1 the Average Daily Traffic (ADT) on the concession section of the A4 Katowice-Kraków motorway amounted to 43,520 vehicles and was higher by 27.9% than the traffic level recorded  in 2021Q1 (34,038 vehicles). In 2022Q1 toll revenue amounted to PLN 90,083 thousand and was higher by 25% than in 2021Q1 (PLN 72,058 thousand).

As far as cars are concerned, the ADT increased from 26,881 vehicles in 2021Q1 to 35,600 vehicles in 2022Q1 (32.4% increase). In 2022Q1 toll revenue from cars amounted to PLN 54,866 thousand and was higher by 30.8% than in 2021Q1 (PLN 41,944 thousand). Difference between dynamics of toll revenue changes as compared to dynamics of ADT changes is  the result of the change of the preferential rate for automatic payments from October 1, 2021 (form PLN 8 to PLN 9), consistently increasing share of automatic payments in the traffic structure and increased traffic (partly toll exempt) related to the armed conflict in Ukraine. More information further in this note.

As far as trucks are concerned, the ADT increased by 10.7%, i.e. from 7,157 vehicles in 2021Q1 to 7,920 vehicles in 2022Q1, while toll revenue from trucks in 2022Q1 amounted to PLN 35,217 thousand and was higher by 16.9% than in 2021Q1 (PLN 30,114 thousand). In the case of trucks, on October 1, 2021 the rate for category 2 and 3 vehicles was changed (from PLN 20 to PLN 22) and the preferential rates for automatic payments were phased out which are the main reasons for the difference between the dynamics of changes ADT and the dynamics of changes in revenues from tolls for these vehicles category.

The Group activity was also influenced by restrictions of social and economic activity as the result of the COVID-19 pandemic but it is worth mentioning that, unlike in the comparative period, in the current period 2022Q1 these restrictions were of relatively minor importance. On the other hand, in the current period 2022Q1, the Group recorded a punctual increase in traffic at the beginning of the armed conflict in Ukraine, caused by a wave of migration and aid to the Ukrainian citizens. It ought to be noted that from March 1, 2022, after prior agreement with the Ministry of Infrastructure, vehicles with Ukrainian registration numbers, as well as vehicles or groups of vehicles reported by Polish non-governmental organizations and foreign organizations and persons as providing aid to Ukrainian citizens, became exempt from tolls.
