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Current share price Stalexport Autostrady SA

2.70 zł 1.89% 0.05zł 2024-10-21


Business profile

The company (formerly Stalexport Transroute Autostrada S.A.) with its registered office in Mysłowice was established in May 1998. The activities of VIA4 are related to the operation of the A4 toll motorway Katowice-Kraków. The entity renders its services to its only customer, namely SAM, which is the managing entity with respect to this motorway section pursuant to the Concession Agreement. For its services, the entity receives lump-sum remuneration, the value of which mainly depends on the level of traffic on the motorway and the rate of inflation.

The main tasks realised by VIA4 comprise the services of continuous operation and maintenance of the A4 toll motorway section (Katowice-Kraków), including mainly:

  • operation of the toll collection system;
  • management of motorway traffic;
  • maintenance of the facilities of the motorway in proper technical condition;
  • comprehensive maintenance of the entire motorway lane;
  • winter maintenance of the motorway;

Moreover, VIA4 executes the following tasks related to safety and road traffic which are equally important:

  • 24h/day motorway patrols, which in cooperation with the Motorway Management Centre ensure quick incidents detection;
  • operation of the SOS telephone system alongside motorway lane;
  • cooperation with the police and other services in maintaining motorway throughput in the case of collisions, accidents or other incidents.

Company management

  • Andrzej Gienieczko - President of the Management Board
  • Grzegorz Śmietanka - Vice President of the Management Board



  • Piaskowa 20, 41-404 Mysłowice, Poland
  • NIP 634-22-98-951
  • emergency number +48 32 762 73 33
  • phone: +48 32 762 73 50, fax: +48 32 762 73 55
  • e-mail: 