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Current share price Stalexport Autostrady SA

2.71 zł -0.37% -0.01zł 2024-07-26

Biuro Centrum Sp. z o.o.

Business profile

The company was established in June 1994.
The main area of operations of Biuro Centrum is related to managing and technical operation of the office and conference building in Katowice at Mickiewicza 29, which is the co-ownership of Stalexport Autostrady (40.46%) and Węglokoks S.A.(59.54%).

Biuro Centrum guarantees high standards and professionalism in all services concerning property management and its technical operations. It has modern organisational, technical and office facilities. The supplementary range of activities of Biuro Centrum includes catering services in “Restauracja pod wieżami” restaurant it runs as well as comprehensive services provided for the conference centre.

Company management

  • Damazy Ćwikowski - President of the Management Board
  • Dorota Karolak - Vice President of the Management Board


Biuro Centrum Sp. z o.o.
