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Home page/Press Office/Press Releases/The results of Stalexport Autostrady Group are markedly better than the year before

The results of Stalexport Autostrady Group are markedly better than the year before

Press Releases 7 March 2011

Katowice, 7 March 2011

The results of Stalexport Autostrady Group are markedly better than the year before


The activities of Capital Group of Stalexport Autostrady S.A. in 2010 resulted in a consolidated net profit of PLN 14,482 thousand, which was nearly twice that achieved a year earlier. The increased traffic and a rise in tolls for the A4 motorway section resulted both in the aforementioned increase and in higher revenues from motorway tolls. Considering the above, in 2010, Stalexport Autostrady Capital Group revenues from toll motorway amounted to PLN 155,197 thousand, compared to PLN 128,382 thousand in the corresponding period last year.
"In the first months of the year the positive trend in traffic growth maintains " - says Mieczyslaw Skołożyński, CFO in Stalexport Autostrady S.A. and he adds: "we are optimistic as far as the revenues and results of our Capital Group in 2011 are concerned. "

Apart from the above revenues from tolls in 2010, the Capital Group also received other income in the total amount of PLN 16,849 thousand, including PLN 9,329 thousand from property management and leasing office space. On the other hand, the Capital Group operating expenses remained stable due to the savings programme implemented at the end of 2009. In total, the Group's operating activities in 2010 resulted in a profit of PLN 61,979 thousand, i.e. up to 45% higher than a year before.

It is worth noting that last year the Capital Group increased the nominal value of the loan intended to finance the construction works on the concession section of the A4 motorway by PLN 230,000 thousand. The implemented projects consist mainly of works aimed at improving driving safety and environmental protection, in particular, at renovation of bridges and construction of noise screens.
"This year we plan to continue the works to improve both safety level and comfort of travelling on the section of the motorway managed by us"- says Emil Wąsacz, CEO of Stalexport Autostrady S.A., who is also acting as CEO of the Concessionaire - Stalexport Autostrada Malopolska S.A. Emil Wąsacz stresses that the investment program implemented by the Group will also shorten the travel time due to, inter alia, the development and an increase in capacity on existing toll plazas. 
