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Home page/Press Office/Press Releases/Stalexport Autostrady Capital Group’s summary of the financial results for three quarters of 2022.

Stalexport Autostrady Capital Group’s summary of the financial results for three quarters of 2022.

Press Releases 7 November 2022

Higher revenue and net profit compared to three quarters of 2021.

The revenue generated by the Stalexport Autostrady Capital Group increased in the reporting period under analysis by approx. 15.2 percent compared to the corresponding period of 2021 and amounted to PLN 307.3 million, whereas net profit increased by 2.1 percent - to PLN 99.5 million.

This is primarily due to higher motorway traffic in connection with the end of the state of epidemic for COVID-19 and related restrictions.

In general, traffic intensity on the toll section of the A4 motorway in the three quarters of 2022 increased by 10.9 percent and amounted to approx. 47.5 thous. vehicles per day. This increase applied to both passenger cars (11.7 percent) and trucks (7.2 percent).

A higher level of traffic translated into increased revenue from toll collection on the A4 Katowice-Kraków motorway managed by Stalexport Autostrada Małopolska. In the three quarters of 2022, this revenue amounted to PLN 303.9 million, i.e. 15.3 percent more than in the corresponding period of the previous year. Revenue from tolls collected from passenger cars grew by 13.6 percent, whereas from trucks - by 18.2 percent.

In addition to higher traffic intensity, increased toll collection revenue was also the result of change to toll rates on the A4 Katowice-Kraków motorway introduced on 4 July 2022:

  • for category 1 vehicles (excluding motorcycles) from PLN 12 to PLN 13,
  • for passenger cars using automatic payment methods from PLN 9 to PLN 10,
  • for category 2 and 3 vehicles from PLN 22 to PLN 24,
  • for category 4 and 5 vehicles from PLN 35 to PLN 40.

The financial results for three quarters of 2022 were also affected by higher own costs of sales (PLN 141 million in 2022 compared to PLN 89 million in 2021), which included higher costs of establishing provisions for resurfacing (PLN 56.8 million in 2022, PLN 10.9 million in the corresponding period of the previous year) resulting from higher prices on the construction market for work which the company is obligated to perform by the end of the concession period.

Activities aimed at making automatic payment methods more commonly available were continued throughout the three quarters of 2022, with the share of automatic payments in total transactions amounting to approx. 43 percent. Videotolling operators - Autopay, SkyCash and IKO - were joined by mPay. Users of the toll section of the A4 motorway were given access to additional gates for automatic payments. Currently, there are three automatic lanes that support videotolling applications as well as A4Go and Telepass electronic toll collection on each of the toll plazas (in Mysłowice and Balice), in each direction, including a separate lane for heavy goods vehicles.
