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Home page/Press Office/Press Releases/Autostrada Mazowsze S.A. and GDDKiA end their negotiations regarding Strykow-Konotopa

Autostrada Mazowsze S.A. and GDDKiA end their negotiations regarding Strykow-Konotopa

Press Releases 28 February 2009

Katowice, 28th February 2009



Autostrada Mazowsze S.A. and GDDKiA end their negotiations regarding Strykow-Konotopa


The negotiations between the GDDKiA (General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways) and Autostrada Mazowsze S.A. concerning the contract for building and operating a 90 km long part of the A2 motorway from Lodz to Warsaw ended. Autostrada Mazowsze S.A. is a member of the Stalexport Autostrady Capital Group. Despite good will shown by both parties it was impossible in the present circumstance of the financial market to find out a solution enabling final signing of a contract.


During the negotiations of the contract for building and operating part of the A2 motorway from the Lodz’s junction of Strykow to Warsaw’s junction of Konotopa, both parties - public and private – tried to find the best solution possible. Despite good will and engagement shown by both partners, an acceptable compromise could not be worked out. It has been a result of the instable situation on the financial markets as well as conditions imposed by banks which would credit the possible investment.


- The conditions of the A2 Warsaw-Lodz tender were set in a completely different economic reality than we have today. Nevertheless those conditions were binding till the very end of negotiations for us and for the public partner. Therefore, despite good will shown by both parties and an enormous amount of work put in so far, it proved impossible to work out a satisfactory compromise - says Emil Wasacz, President of Stalexport Autostrady S.A. However I would like to stress that both partners tried hardly till the very end to put together present economic reality with the tender conditions established still before the crises. This would assure a safe financing for the investment and immediate starting of construction works of that strategic motorway. However it was impossible – adds president Wasacz.


The Stalexport Autostrady Capital Group manages at present a toll part of the A4 motorway between Cracow and Katowice. It also participates in the tender for adaptation and management of the A4 motorway between Katowice-and Wroclaw. Besides, the Group is interested in developing its activity in some neighboring countries of Poland.

– The contract for the Lodz-Warsaw part of the A2 motorway has been important for us, however not the only one. At present our Company participates in another tender for adaptation and management of the A4 motorway between Katowice-and Wroclaw. We will also participate in the future in any adequate tender for toll motorways in Poland or outside Poland. We observe attentively neighbor markets and establish good contacts – adds President Wasacz.


For mor information

Chris Gorski

tel. +48 723 18 88 08

e-mail: [email protected]



Rafal Bednarek

tel. +48 602 34 11 11
