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Home page/Press Office/Press Releases/1Q 2014 results in the Capital Group Stalexport Autostrady

1Q 2014 results in the Capital Group Stalexport Autostrady

Press Releases 9 May 2014

Higher traffic level on the A4 Katowice-Krakow motorway as compared to 1Q 2013 and increase in financial results – the Capital Group Stalexport Autostrady summerised the first quarter of 2014.

In 1Q 2014 the Capital Group’s net profit amounted to 14,484 thousand PLN (115% increase as compared to 1Q 2013). This year revenue in the amount of 49,337 thousand PLN is 13% higher than that achieved in 1Q of previous year.
The most significant share in the Group’s revenue is represented by the activity related to management of the concession section of the A4 Katowice-Kraków motorway. 13.2% increase in revenue on motorway activity, in relation to the previous year (48,465 thousand PLN), results from marked increase in traffic level on the concession section of A4 in the first three months of this year. This increase concerns both: light vehicles (12%) and heavy vehicles (15%).

The significant impact on the Group’s consolidated result in 1Q 2014 had also over 31% decrease in finance expenses as compared to 1Q 2013, connected among the others with lower cost of servicing the loan granted to the concessionaire of A4 – Stalexport Autostrada Malopolska S.A. by the consortium of banks.

